Rodrigo José dos Santos Amaral

Advogado na área do Direito Penal.

Lawyer in the area of Criminal Law. PhD candidate in Criminal Law from the Faculty of Law of the State University of Rio de Janeiro (UERJ), with a research period at Humboldt Universität zu Berlin. Master in Criminal Law (2020) and Postgraduate degree in Criminal Sciences and Public Security (2018) from the same institution.

Professor of Postgraduate Courses in Economic Criminal Law at Ibmec/RJ (2023) and in Criminal Law and Procedure at EMERJ (2023).

Guest Professor at NEDPP of the Federal University of Bahia (UFBA), coordinating the Course on Crime Theory (2023). Also invited to teach at the Course on Crime Theory of the Academic League of Criminal Sciences of UNIRIO (2022) and at the Holiday Course on Objective Imputation Theory of the Academic League of Criminal Sciences of FND/UFRJ (2021).

Author of several publications in specialized journals. Co-author of the books: 

  • Estudos em Homenagem a Tristão Fernandes – Lumen Juris (2019)
  • Direito Penal em Foco – ebook – JOTA (2021)
  • Legislação Penal Especial – Editora D’Plácido (2021)
  • Criminalidade Econômica e Empresarial – Tirant lo Blanch (2022)

Languages: Portuguese and English.