Maria Eduarda M. da Costa Barros Concesi

Lawyer with over 10 years of experience in Criminal Law and Technology.

Master in Criminal Law from the State University of Rio de Janeiro (UERJ). Postgraduate degree in Criminal Sciences and Public Security from the same institution. Graduated in Law from Fundação Getúlio Vargas/RJ (FGV-Rio).

ExtensionCross-Border Cooperation in Criminal Matters” - Stricto Sensu Graduate Program in Regulation Law, in partnership with the undergraduate course of the Law School of Rio de Janeiro of Fundação Getulio Vargas, taught by Prof. Dr. Auke Willems, LSE Fellow in EU Law from the European Institute..

Extension “Cybersecurity and Human Rights- Institute of Technology and Society of Rio de Janeiro, Hans Bredow Institute of the University of Hamburg, Berkman Klein Center of Internet and Society of Harvard University, Global Network of Internet and Society Research Centers, UNESCO Chair for Communication and Information Freedom at the University of Hamburg, and Center of Communication Governance of the National Law University.

Extension “CopyrightX” –  Harvard University, in partnership with the Institute of Technology and Society of Rio de Janeiro (ITS-Rio).

Professor of Postgraduate Courses in Law and Technology at the New Law Institute (2020) and in Economic Criminal Law at Ibmec/RJ (2023).

Co-author of the books: 

  • Sistem prisional e direitos humanos – Escola de Direito da FGV (2015).
  • Regulação 4.0, Volume II – Editora Revista dos Tribunais (2020). 
  • Colaboração Premiada e Outros Acordos: Análise sistemática e estudo crítico – Editora Singular (2022). 
  • Eleições e Democracia na Era Digital – Editora Almedina (2022). 

Languages: Portuguese, English, and Spanish.